It is a sample C language example. It is a string palindrome program which accept a string from user.
It checks that accepted string is a palindrome string or not. If string or string reverse is as same as then this string is a palindrome string. It means read string same in both forward or backward direction.
Program Source Code
******String Palindrome******
Enter a string: MADAM
string: MADAM is a palindrome string
******String Palindrome******
Enter a string: HELLO
string: HELLO is not a palindrome string
It checks that accepted string is a palindrome string or not. If string or string reverse is as same as then this string is a palindrome string. It means read string same in both forward or backward direction.
Aim - C program to check whether the accepted string is palindrome or not.
Program Source Code
//C Program to check accepted string is palindrome or not #include"stdio.h" #include"conio.h" int isPallindrome(char *); void main() { int a; char str1[30]; clrscr(); printf("\n******String Palindrome******\n"); printf("Enter a string: "); gets(str1); // accept string from user a=isPallindrome(str1); /*function calls, accept string as argument and return flag value*/ if(a) printf("\nstring: %s is a palindrome string",str1); else printf("\nstring: %s is not a palindrome string",str1); getch(); } int isPallindrome(char *str2) { int i,j,flag=1; for(i=0,j=strlen(str2)-1; i<j; i++, j--) { if(str2[i]!=str2[j]) /*starts checking from ends of string to middle*/ { flag=0; /*if reverse of string is not same than return 0*/ break; } } return(flag); }
******String Palindrome******
Enter a string: MADAM
string: MADAM is a palindrome string
******String Palindrome******
Enter a string: HELLO
string: HELLO is not a palindrome string