Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why C is Called Middle Level Language?

Why C is Called Middle Level Language?

C language supports high level language which is user friendly and low level language which is machine friendly.
C combines features of a high level language with the functions of an assembly level language. It reduces the gap between low level language and high level language.
So C language called as middle level language.

C contains many features of high level language like modular programming, user friendly, loop, arrays etc. C language is also related to machine level language(low). It provides features like access to memory using pointers and assembly aspects.
C is one of the language who able to directly interact to system.
C language is used to develop both user applications and operating systems.

Thus, C is called as Middle Level Language.

Friday, December 2, 2011

C program for Bubble Sort

Today I am going to share how to perform bubble sort in C programming language. What is Bubble Sort? Bubble sort is a very simple sorting algorithm which compares consecutive numbers and swap them if both are not in right order. This gives the biggest element at the end in each inner loop cycle. Here is an animated example for bubble sort:

  void bubbleSort(int arr[],int length)
        int i,j,temp;
//swap if previous value is bigger then next value
   }// End of Inner For loop
        }// End of Outer For loop.
  }// End of BubbleSort Function

 void main()

  int data[] = {4,3,5,2,9,2,1,8,7,0}
  int i;


  printf("\nData before sorting: ");
  for( i=0; i<10; i++)
   printf("%d , ",data[i]);

  printf("\nData after sorting: ");
  for( i=0; i<10; i++)
   printf("%d , ",data[i]);
  } //End of this example.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Difference Between TCP and UDP Protocols

TCP and UDP both are transport layer protocol. They both use for process to process communication. Here I am going to discuss about "Difference Between TCP and UDP Protocols".

What is the Difference Between TCP and UDP Protocols?

1. TCP is a Transmission Control Protocol and UDP is a User Datagram Protocol.

2. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol but UDP is a connection-less protocol.
Connection-oriented means there is first establish connection before transmission and after transmission connection release.
In connection-less there is no need to call setup and call release. There is not send acknowledgement from receiver side so not detection of errors.

3. TCP is a reliable protocol but UDP is a unreliable protocol.

4. TCP packet is called as segment but UDP packet is called as datagram.

5. TCP is used for reliable and large data transfer from source to destination but UDP is used for small message transfer between stations and does not much care about reliability.

6. TCP supports error control but UDP does not support error control.

7. TCP is powerful protocol but UDP is a powerless protocol.

8. TCP is a Heavyweight protocol but UDP is a Lightweight protocol.

9. In TCP, there are control transmission of segment if any segment is loss then retransmit from source to destination but In UDP there is not retransmit loss datagram.

10. In TCP segment transfer in a sequence but In UDP there is not any sequence or order of data transmission.

11. TCP transmission speed is slower than UDP protocol.

Examples: TCP used in WWW, web services, HTTP, FTP, Telnet, IMAP etc.
UDP used in buffering of online audio and video, DNS, online games and other multimedia application where transmission speed matters more than completeness etc.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

C Program to Swap Two Numbers

It is a sample c program to swap two number.

Program Source Code

void swap(int,int);
void main()

int a,b;
printf("\n Enter value of a:-");
printf("\n Enter value of b:-");
printf("\n\n a before swapping is:--%d",a);
printf("\n\n b before swapping is:--%d",b);
printf("\n\n a after swapping is:--%d",a);
printf("\n\n b after swapping is:--%d",b);

void swap(int x,int y)
int t;
printf("\n\n a in swapping is:--%d",x);
printf("\n\n b in swapping is:--%d",y);


c program to swap two number